Maintainer Nation

The Commute Made Me Do It

Often times we search for opportunities [] that would challenge us, add health benefits, more money, an

Becoming a Licensed Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Mechanic: Eligible Active Duty and Veterans Part 2

Once you have successfully completed [] your interview and have been approved for either rating, or both,

Transitioning from Military to Commercial Aviation: How hard how could it be?

You've been active duty as an jet mechanic, avionics guy, seat mech, parachute rigger, or even as airframes. Your clock is ticking and even though you're nervous, you are ready to either retire or separate. Whatever your reasons for beginning a new adventure, congratulations!

Becoming a Licensed Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Mechanic: Eligible Active Duty and Veterans Part I

Whether you’d like to stay in the military [] for 20 years or leave after your

The A&P License: A Master Mechanic Certificate or a License to Learn?

You’ve got you’re A&P License and you plan on being on the production floor just killing it!

That Time I Dropped Out

If you asked a room full of people, "Who loves failing?" Silence would probably ensue. Quitting, failing, or not starting are some of the most uncomfortable topics for anyone ever.

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